Île de France, Lyon
Publié il y a 4 ans

Our Client is looking for a “Lead EPC Tender Negotiation Manager” for the development of
a large photovoltaic project in Middle East (several hundreds of MWp).

The position is expected to last for around 6 months, from the first “expression of interest” (EOI) of several
international EPC Contractors until the selection and negotiation of final contractual terms with the best
EPC Contractor in preparation of the Notice to Proceed (NTP) of its EPC Contract.

The main objectives will be to:

  • Pilot the full EPC tender process (detailed schedule and coordination of the team),
  • Manage the EPC qualification process (HSE, financial and technical assessment, experience and
    track records of EPC contractors),
  • Finalize and share the tender documentation and the expected content of the offers,
  • Manage tender process, Q&A, site visits, meetings, clarifications and Intention to Bidders (ITB)
  • Analyze and rank the offers (short listing),
  • Prepare and manage final clarifications rounds,
  • Negotiate EPC Head of Terms with short listed bidders,
  • Prepare a recommendation to award (RTA)
  • Negotiate technical, legal and commercial aspects of the final EPC contract.

The “Lead EPC Tender Negotiation Manager” will be responsible for the quality and the timing of the EPC tendering process. He will head a team composed of a bid coordinator (administrative and organization tasks), legal representative and technical experts.

The requested skills and experiences for this position are:

  • Strong negotiation skills
  • Knowledge on large solar PV development
  • Legal experience on EPC contracts (liabilities, guarantees, claims and change orders…)
  • Experience on large EPC contracts in the Middle East for PV plant construction
  • Experience with international EPC contractors (in particular from Asia)
  • English fluent

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploi

Négociation, Opérations


a:2:{s:5:"label";s:6:"Durée";s:5:"value";s:7:"~6 mois";}


a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Démarrage";s:5:"value";s:28:"Fin sept. / Début oct. 2020";}

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